Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

Anti-Bullying Information

At our school, we take all reports of bullying seriously. Through our hard work, dedication, and respect for one another, we have achieved the BIG (Bullying Intervention Group) Award for the third consecutive year. This achievement reflects our ongoing commitment to addressing and preventing bullying wherever possible.

We value our partnership with parents and carers and encourage them to contact us if they have concerns about their child’s wellbeing, particularly if they suspect bullying.

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

To strengthen our anti-bullying strategy, our school councillors serve as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. Their responsibilities include:

What is Bullying?

The Anti-Bullying Alliance defines bullying as:

“The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace.”

How does bullying differ from teasing or falling out between friends?
Bullying differs in three key ways:

  1. Deliberate Intention: The aim is to hurt or humiliate.
  2. Power Imbalance: The victim finds it hard to defend themselves.
  3. Persistence: Bullying is usually repeated over time.

Educating Children About Bullying

We are proactive in educating children about bullying and fostering a culture of respect and kindness:

Ways to Report Bullying

If bullying occurs, we encourage immediate reporting through the following channels:

  1. Tell a Member of Staff: Any child can speak to a staff member, who will inform the class teacher for prompt action.
  2. Speak to an Anti-Bullying Ambassador: Ambassadors can provide support and ensure concerns are reported.
  3. Use the Class Worry Jar: Children can write down their worries for the class teacher to review. (Note: For action to be taken, incidents must not be reported anonymously.)
  4. Parents and Carers: Concerns can be shared directly with the class teacher, by calling the school at 01204 333444, or by emailing

For more details, refer to our School Anti-Bullying Policy.

Useful Links